
Ryan Rockfeld

Thank you for joining me on this exciting journey!

Loving son

My parents and brother are an important part of my life. I am appreciative of the opportunities that my parents have afforded me...from international travels, to sports trainings, to beach vacations, and everything in between.

Curious Student

I always try to take the road-less-traveled when it comes to my education. I volunteered in Alaska to learn about the land conservation efforts. I did a school semester in Israel building an understanding of the complexities of that region. And I've taken many challenging AP courses outside my best subjects.

Driven Athlete

I'm a quarterback who ripped his elbow from the bone on his first throw of the summer practice and followed up with a fractured spine the following season. But I have not let that deter me. I doubled down on my difficult rehab both times and am ready to be the team leader they are looking for me to be.

Aspiring Leader

I aspire to be a leader in whatever I decide to do in life. Whether a lawyer or a business person, I will give everything I have to learn from and lead others. I have learned from an early age, whether from sports or academics, that there may be limitations in what I can control. However, I can always control my attitude and effort which is what I believe is the foundation of my leadership.

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